Community Resource

Harbor House

(732) 281-0822
Toms River

Harbor House


The Mission of Ocean’s Harbor House as a community organization with a recognized history of providing shelter, support youth and families, is to empower our youth and families in need to build successful pathways, relationships and futures. This has been the cornerstone of our work for over 35 years.

Organizational Background:

Ocean’s Harbor House was founded by concerned community leaders in 1985 to answer the needs of homeless, abandoned and runaway children and youth in crisis at the Jersey Shore, with a vision to create a safe space where these youth could go to be free from danger and victimization. Since then, we have grown from a single emergency shelter to a multi-service organization. Through our Residential Program, Code Blue and Outreach Services, and our developing Family Shelter we address the complex issues faced by youth and families in 3 areas: shelter and housing for youth who are homeless, counseling and case management for youth and families in crisis, and awareness, prevention training and education on the effects of homelessness, bullying, trafficking and exploitation.



Code Blue Warming Center

In January of 2024, we opened Ocean’s County’s first-ever Code Blue Site for Families in conjunction with Just Believe Inc. Answering the evolving needs of our community, we opened the doors of our shelter building on Windsor Avenue to single-mother-led families with young children under 18 years of age, in partnership with the Code Blue program for Ocean County. Between January 19th and March 10th, we provided warmth, shelter, and security for 22 unduplicated clients, 9 of whom were children between the ages of 5 months and 16 years old. This expansion of our Mission to serve the growing number of unhoused families is our vision for 2024, with the ultimate goal of self-sustaining families re-engaged in their communities through a continuous shelter program (up to 6 months), workforce development, family support and ultimately, permanent housing.

Safe at Home: The Family Supportive Living Program at Windsor

The new Family Shelter at Ocean’s Harbor House on Windsor Avenue will work to break the cycle of homelessness in single-parent, female-led families experiencing it. Because of the overwhelming community support for this project, those in need will be able to come to us for nutritious meals, safe shelter, and one-on-one case management as they create pathways for careers and plan for permanent housing. The Shelter will open in the fall of 2024.

Supervised Transitional Living Program: The SHORE House

The SHORE House (Supportive Housing Opportunities through Rehabilitation and Encouragement) supervised transitional living program opened its doors in October of 2004 to meet the needs of teens and youth ages 16-21, who are homeless and in need of safe housing, a nurturing environment and caring 24/7/365 adult guidance and supervision. We continue to serve the unhoused teens and youth of our community through our supervised transitional living program. Since 2004, over 650 young people have passed through our doors. This past year, our house was home to 18 teens and youths, with 90% gainfully employed, 100% high school completed, 100% discharged with substantial savings, 90% positive discharge to independent living, 3,425 bed nights, and 1,024 counseling hours. Our SHORE House on Conifer Street is filled with teens and youth trying to find their way to their hopes and dreams, and a stable, successful adulthood.  

Eligibility The Transitional Living Program provides transitional housing and supportive living services for youth ages 16-21.
Age Groups
  • Children
  • Adolescents
Community Services
Basic Needs / Assistance
Employment / Training
Family & Support Services
Health Services
Behavioral / Mental Health
Crisis / Safety
Intellectual and Developmental Needs
Treatment Services
In-Community Services
Out-of-Home Services
Outpatient Services
Payment Options
  • Free
Language Spoken
  • Spanish
Areas Served
  • Monmouth County
  • Ocean County

Last Updated: 07/11/24